Thailand and Toilets! Enjoy your happy moment :)

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So Let’s discuss toilets. Traveling Thailand as a tourist you are going to have several levels of bathrooms but as a volunteer or adventure seeker you’ll have a few more.

Toilet in the BKK Airport – Enjoy your Happy Moment!

I figure Thailand has about 6 levels of Toilets

Level 0 – the hole in the ground – I haven’t had this yet but several fellow volunteers have

Level 1 – Asian toilet which is a porcelain sunk into ground (some are flushable) 

Merge of level 1 and Level 2

Level 2 – Western toilet but you have to scoop water into the bowl to flush it. The water is normally in a huge container near an outlet source

Level 3 – Western toilet which flushes but only a bum gun (no toilet paper). Some of the public bathrooms have a toilet paper dispenser but its outside the toilet stall 

Level 4 – Western toilet with toilet paper to go into trash bin

Level 5 – Japanese toilet with bidet and all the functions!!! Still a trash bin for toilet paper. 

I have only been in one toilet in Thailand so far where you can flush toilet paper so its too rare to mention. Every trip is an adventure. Almost all toilets up till level 4 have the bum gun option and you can tell if it’s used by if the toilet seat and room is wet. Very similar to India. I travel with a roll of travel toilet paper, but I have had to use the bum gun a couple of times. 

In the Bangkok airport they also had useful signs for washing and cleaning with some humor (how close you need to be near a urinal) and also had some disability/elderly assistance that I rarely see elsewhere.

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