My volunteer work

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So what do I do as a volunteer in Ecuador for over a week now? Because I am only here for 2 weeks the options were limited, for those longer or with medical or construction skills their are more options.

I am working in a drug and alcohol addicts shelter. Many of them are homeless.

They have permanent Temp residents who after a period of time social workers try to reunite or reconnect with families. A maximum of 3 out of every 10 this is Successful with.

The temporary residents, come in for a couple of days a week for food and health checkups.

So what do I do? I generally setup breakfast and lunch, And I participate in interactive activities to help them get social interaction. Today we listened to occupational therapy by social workers which was about defining what you want. Some days with the smaller groups, it’s smaller group therapy which is far more focused.

Today we played a quick game of change the chair (disfruta!) where you have to get up and all change chairs in about 10 seconds. Any who don’t have to do a little dance at the front. It’s lighthearted but if you don’t add movement you have some of them just trying to use it as a place to sleep. We then broke up into pairs and you had to learn about your partner. Donde es? Where are you from? Como se llama? What is your name? Placeto favorite? Favourite meal. Fruta? What fruit? Mejor amigos – major friends. To eat you have to participate. Everyday there is something different.

I help some with their English, some help me with spanish. The point is to engage them. Occasionally some ask me for dinero, one slid up my sleeve today and looked at my watch and then asked for a conversation….

It is rewarding but difficult. Some days we have medical checks. Everyday they have to sign in with their name number and fingerprints.