Lopburi / Monkey Town and Crafts

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So yesterday morning we drove for an hour to a crafts place and made fans, tiger balm and herbal soap. We got to meet some piglets and pigs. Yes I caught a Piglet 😉 The piglets were the size of my hand.

The Thailand country side is lovely, seeing green rice paddies with white ducks/cranes in them as we flash by, the little shrines outside every house to protect the house. There is rarely graffiti and the country is very green. At this point its about 94F/34C in Singburi but the mornings are cooler and at this point I’ve acclimatized to the heat nicely. The temperature drops at night so that in the morning its cooler.

After crafting we headed to Monkey town. The monkey’s were there but as the jungle was destroyed the monkey’s moved into the town. We had to carry sticks as the monkey’s are afraid of them and some of the bigger monkey’s can be aggressive. Of course some of the local people feed them……

Yep they are everywhere