Denmark, Day 13, Saturday, Copenhagen

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Today we took a bit more of a rest day – still did the most walking I’ve done this trip which might explain why my hip flexor is in agony. Or it could be because the horrible beds.

So one thing about Copenhagen or Kobenhavn as it is correctly spelled is that it is a land of bicycles – Renee lack of spacial awareness of what a bicycle bell ringing means is probably how she’ll die. Bicycles everywhere – normally they are in their own lanes but if there is road construction they might move to the pavement.

We chose to go to a food market (like North Market) which also had stands of fruits and vegetables. We enjoyed an Empanada or more and somehow a cafe eclair snuck into my mouth. I don’t know how it happened.

After that we visited the city hall, and browsed a bit – there are these bicycles which seem to have multiple kids in the front (or dogs) which make us laugh.

After a nice evening meal at a restaurant called Cocks and Cows (it was a burger place) we headed back to the hotel. Later that night I went out to try and get some night light pictures – as a result it was my busy walking day as I trekked all over Copenhagen

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