Last day of Construction and leaving Sing Buri

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So I completed my last day of construction yesterday. I didn’t type last night because I had an accident. I was laying vented bricks standing on the platform below

When stepping off down the bricks on the right hand side, the brick all my weight was on (right leg) broke, and I fell to the right. There was a hoe, blade up on the ground that in order to avoid I had to twist sharply, so after a fall of about 5 feet, I missed the blade but wrenched my back. No numbness or tingling so just a sprain to my lower left back. Construction was done for the day as with 5 minutes my back was throbbing and I was finding it hard to move.

Koh has managed to paint a nice panda though

We drove back via a monkey and pig place. I did not leave the car due to the pain. Apparently 200 years ago a monk had brought 2 monkey’s here. Now there are over 10,000 and serious problems due to lack of food for them.

We drove back to the accommodation, I took some aleve and rested for 2 hours, then feeling nauseous got up for a snack. The lovely lady from Denmark got her towel rolled it up, added hot water to it, put it in a plastic bag and with Lea’s help we propped it against my back. The others went shopping while I rotated that 3 times. They kindly brought back frozen mixed vegetables that I then put on my back. This treatment lead to a market improvement to where I could walk rather than hobble again.

We talked and had some fun with the Chinese girls for a little bit

Before I headed (slower than normal) over the road to Kim’s bar for a Fanta, to write my name on the wall as the walls and tables are covered in volunteer names, dates, locations etc. Kim and his family provide pens even….

The next day I finished packing and I am ready for my taxi back to Bangkok, a night in a motel and then my sleeper train to Chiang mai tomorrow night.

1 thought on “Last day of Construction and leaving Sing Buri

  1. Mary Grantham

    So sorry you twisted your back but so fortunate not to land on a sharp hoe blade on a construction site in that climate! Thanks to all who proffered assistance and hope it continues to improve. Have a great time on the next leg of your journey and stay safe x

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