New Year Morning and Monks

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So I spent about 2 hours this morning with monks in Thailand. I spent some time meditating with them and asking questions.

The monks get up around 4 for meditation and prayers and then they go around collecting food donations, the nuns are the one’s in white with shaved heads (can never become monks). There are about 6-7 monks at this temple.

How you meditate is as you breathe in you rotate a bead in the your hand, breathe out, breathe in (rotate bead), the idea is to keep focus on the beads so that you are happy and peaceful and can approach life and others that way. I found it very relaxing.

We asked about divorce (acceptable), been gay (ok now but wasn’t ok in past), and them eating meat even though they aren’t allowed to kill animals, this was explained by the individual abbot makes the rules depending on interpretation – so some monks are vegetarian, some eat meat

2 thoughts on “New Year Morning and Monks

  1. B

    I just read this interesting article about female monks in Thailand. Did you see any, or were they spoken about?

    1. Alan Post author

      Yes, we did see some dressed in white. Because of the shaved heads we thought they were men initially. Still haven’t figured out some of it

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